Chris Monroe
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Physics, Duke University
1992 Ph.D., Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO (Advisor: Carl Wieman)
1987 S.B., Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA (Advisor: Michael Feld)
2021– pres Duke University, Durham NC Gilhuly Pres. Dist. Prof. of ECE and Physics
2021– pres Univ. of Maryland, College Park College Park Professor of Physics
2018–2019 IonQ, Inc., College Park Chief Executive Officer
2016–2023 IonQ, Inc., College Park Chief Scientist
2015–2021 Univ. of Maryland, College Park Distinguished University Professor
2007–2021 Univ. of Maryland, College Park Bice Zorn Professor of Physics
2000–2007 Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Professor, Physics Dept.
1995–2000 Univ. of Colorado, Boulder Adjunct Lecturer, Physics Dept.
1994–2000 National Inst. of Stand. Tech., Boulder Staff Physicist and Project Leader
1992–1994 National Inst. of Stand. Tech., Boulder NRC Postdoc Researcher (Mentor: David Wineland)
Fellowships and Awards
Fellow, OSA, AAAS, APS, IoP
Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics (2019)
Member, National Academy of Sciences (2016)
American Physical Society Arthur Schawlow Prize for Laser Science (2015)
American Physical Society I.I. Rabi Award (2001)
International Quantum Communication Award, Tamagawa University, Japan (2000)
US Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (1997)
National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (1992-1994)
Invited Presentations (1995-present)
230 invited talks at conferences and workshops 205 academic colloquia and seminars
17 sets of lectures at academic summer schools 5 public lectures, Physics of Music and Quantum Physics
Mentoring (1995-present)
5 Research Scientists, 39 postdoc researchers, 57 graduate students, 21 undergraduate students, 4 HS students
Industrial Activity, Patents and Intellectual Property
• Co-Founder, former CEO, former Chief Scientist of IonQ, a startup that manufactures and develops quantum computers. IonQ became a public company in 2021 with a market capitalization of >$2B.
• 15 awarded patents; 28 pieces of intellectual property pending patent awards
• 200 Refereed journal articles (64,000 citations, h=107)
• 25 Review articles; 11 Policy and Op/Ed articles
• $5MM research grants, AY2023-2024, from DARPA, NSF, DOE, and DOD.
• PI or co-PI on >$80MM research grants since 2000