Quantum Computing and Networking with Alkali Atom Qubit Arrays
Mark Saffman
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Arrays of atoms with interactions provided by highly excited Rydberg states provide a setting where atomic physics takes on extreme properties which are being harnessed for quantum applications. In the last few years remarkable progress has been achieved with neutral atom arrays, and they are now established as a leading platform for quantum computing.
The talk will present our progress on gate model quantum computing with atom arrays based on a scalable architecture incorporating stationary atoms and rapid scanning of focused control beams. Approaches to realizing fast mid-circuit measurements and quantum error correction based on either hyperfine shelving of single species arrays or dual species arrays will be presented[1]. Long range Rydberg interactions are a viable approach for fast implementation of non-local qLDPC codes[2]. For longer distance quantum interfaces integration of atom arrays
with photon collection optics provides a path towards distributed quantum processing[3].
[1] PRX, 13, 041051 (2023); [2] arXiv: 2404.18809; [3] Appl. Phys B 128, 151 (2022), PRA 109, 032602 (2024).