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Taeyoung Choi


Taeyoung Choi

Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University


Ph. D. in Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, March 2011 

Specialization: Physics, Condensed Matter ExperimentAdvisor: Dr. Jay Gupta

B.S. in Physics (Cum Laude), Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, Feb 2004 


  • Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University Mar 2021 – Present

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University

    Research Fellow, Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science, Seoul, Republic of Korea  Mar 2017 – Feb 2021

  • Post-doctoral Researcher, Nanoscale Studies at IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, USA  Oct 2014 – Feb 2017 

  • Post-doctoral Researcher, Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA  (Advisor: Prof. Chris Monroe)  Sep 2011 – Sep 2014


Coherent Quantum properties of atoms and molecules in Condensed Matter physics and Atomic Molecular Optics experiment

  • Trapped ion Quantum computer and simulator

  • Electron spin resonance on surfaces (ESR-STM)


  • Presidential Fellow, The Ohio State University, Jan 2010 – Dec 2010

  • Institute for Materials Research at OSU Poster Award, Sep 2010 and Sep 2008

  • Clifford Heer Graduate Student Poster Award, May 2009

  • Korea Institute for Advanced Study Best Presentation Award, Jan 2004

  • University Scholarship, Seoul National University, 1997 – 1999


30. 2022 International Conference on Quantum Computing (ICQC); Seoul, Korea (June 2022)

Title: “Coherent Quantum control ad sensing of individual atoms and molecules”

29. 2022 Korean Magnetics Society Summer Meeting; Jeju, Korea (May 2022): Online

Title: “Coherent Quantum control ad sensing of individual atoms and molecules”

28. The 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Trapped Quantum Systems; China (Apr 2022): Online 

Title: “Quantum Computing and Sensing based on trapped ion and atoms on surfaces”

27. The 12th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD 2021); Jeju, Korea (Dec 2021) 

Title: “Electron spin resonance on individual atoms and molecules on surfaces”

26. Korean Physics Society-Atomic Molecular Optical Physics; Yeosu, Korea (June 2021) 

Title: “Programmable 5 qubit entanglement using laser pulse shaping”

25. International Workshop on Scanning Probe Microscopy; Korea (Nov 2020): Online

Title: “Electron spin resonance on individual atoms and molecules on surfaces”

24. 2020 Korea Supercomputing Conference; Korea (Sep 2020): Online

Title: “Quantum information processing and sensing using atoms – trapped ion and ESR-STM”

23. 2020 Korean Magnetics Society Summer Meeting; Gangneung, Korea (July 2020): Online

Title: “Electron Spin Resonance on Inidividual Atoms and Molecules on Surfaces”

22. Virtual Workshop on Scanning Probe Microscopy; Seoul, Korea (Jun 2020): Online

Title: “Electron Spin Resonance on Inidividual Atoms and Molecules on Surfaces”

21. The 11th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD 2019); Jeju, Korea (Dec 2019) 

Title: “Scalable Quantum entanglement in trapped ion quantum information processor”

20. IBS Conference on Quantum Nanoscience 2019; Seoul, Korea (Sep 2019)

Title: “Quantum surface science at Nanoscale”

19. International Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference 2019 (INPEC); Taiyuan, China (Aug 2019)

Title: “Quantum control on individual atoms”

18. The 8th School of Mesoscopic Physics-Introduction to Quantum Computing; Pohang, Korea (May 2019)

Title: “Quantum Computing – Basic concepts and ion-trap experiment”

17. 2019 Korean Magnetics Society Summer Meeting; Busan, Korea (May 2019)

Title: “Electron Spin Resonance on Individual Atoms on Surfaces”

16. 2019 Vietnam-Korea International Symposium on Applied Physics (V-KISAP); Hanoi, Vietnam (Jan 2019)

Title: “Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms on surfaces”

15. The 1st Applied Physics Winter Academy; Jeju, Korea (Dec 2018)

Title: “Physics of Quantum information processing and its application”

14. Symposium on Quantum and Nano Devices; Seoul, Korea (Nov 2018)

Title: “Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms on surfaces”

13. International Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference 2018 (INPEC); Seoul, Korea (Aug 2018)

Title: “Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms on surfaces

12. The 19th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA 2018); Jeju, Korea (July 2018)

Title: “Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms on surfaces”

11. 2018 Korean Physics Society Spring Meeting (KPS 2018); Daejon, Korea (Apr 2018)

Title: “Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms on surfaces”

10. The 10th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD 2017); Jeju, Korea (Dec 2017) 

Title: “Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms on surfaces”

9. 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2017); Pittburgh, PA, USA (Nov 2017) 

Title: “Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms on surfaces”

8. Workshop of Quantum NanoScience – Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopy; Gonjiam, Korea (Aug 2017) 

Title: “Magnetic dipole-dipole sensing at the atomic scale using ESR-STM”

7. 2017 Gordon Research Conference - Dynamics at Surfaces; Newport, RI, USA (Aug 2017)

Title: “Experimental Studies of Single Spins on Surfaces”

6. Sogang University (66th Sinchon Solid State Physics Workshop); Seoul, Korea (May 2017)

Title: “Coherent Quantum control and magnetism on atoms-trapped ion and ESR STM”

5. 44th Conference on the Physics & Chemistry of Surfaces & Interfaces (PCSI-44); Santa Fe, NM, USA (Jan 2017)

Title: “Magnetic dipole-dipole sensing at atomic scale using electron paramagnetic resonance STM”

4. American Vacuum Society (AVS) 63rd International Symposium and Exhibition; Nashville, TN, USA (Nov 2016)

Title: “Magnetic dipole-dipole sensing at atomic scale using electron paramagnetic resonance STM”

3. Shared EPR (SPP1601); Hirschegg, Austria (Oct 2016)

Title: “Magnetic dipole-dipole sensing at the atomic scale using EPR-STM”

2. 598th WEH Seminar of Frontiers in Scanning Probe Microscopy; Kiel, Germany (Nov 2015)

Title: “Magnetic dipole-dipole sensing at atomic scale using electron paramagnetic resonance STM”

1. US-Korea Conference; San Francisco, CA, USA (Aug 2014)

Title: “Scalable Quantum computation and simulation in trapped ions using optimal Quantum control of multimode couplings”


[34]. “Influence of the Magnetic Tip on Heterodimers in Electron Spin Resonance Combined with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”

X. Zhang, J. Reina-Galvez, C. Wolf, Y. Wang, H. Aubin, A.J. Heinrich* and T. Choi*, ACS Nano 17, 16935 (2023).

[33]. “Doppler-dependent fluorescence spectroscopy of Yb atomic gas for trapped-ion experiments”H. Kim†, D. Yum†, J. Yoo, E. Lee, S. Ko, H. Lee, and T. Choi*,

Current Applied Physics 42, 1 (2022).

[32]. “Exciton Transfer at Heterointerfaces of MoS2 Monolayers and Fluorescent Molecular Aggregates”S. Kwon, D.Y. Jeong, C. Hong, S. Oh, J. Song, S.H. Choi, K.K. Kim, S. Yoon, T. Choi, K.J. Yee*, Y. You*, and D.W. Kim*

Advanced Science 9, 2201875 (2022).

[31]. “Progress of quantum entanglement in a trapped-ion based quantum computer”D. Yum, T. Choi*,

Current Applied Physics 41, 163 (2022).

[30]. “Imaging oersted field around current flowing wire based on a diamond scanning magnetometer”Y. Lee, M. Lee, J. Jo, S. Lee, J.W. Yoo, T. Choi, A.J. Heinrich, D. Lee*

Current Applied Physics 34, 59 (2022).

[29]. “Spin-Selective Hole–Exciton Coupling in a V-Doped WSe2 Ferromagnetic Semiconductor at Room Temperature”L.T. Nguyen, K.P. Dhakal, Y. Lee, W. Choi, T.D. Nguyen, C. Hong, D.H. Luong, Y.M. Kim, J. Kim, M. Lee, T. Choi, A.J. Heinrich, J.H. Kim*, D. Lee*, D.L. Duong*, Y.H. Lee*

ACS Nano 15, 20267 (2021).

[28]. “Coherent Spin Control of Single Molecules on a Surface”P. Willke, T. Bilgeri, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, C. Wolf, H. Aubin, A. Heinrich*, and T. Choi*,

ACS Nano 15, 17959 (2021).

[27]. “Electronic Structures and Optical Characteristics of Fluorescent Pyrazinoquinoxaline Assemblies and Au Interfaces”

S. Kwon, D.Y. Jeong, W-S. Chae, K. Noh, P. Devi, L. Colazzo, Y. You*, T. Choi*, and D-W. Kim*,

Scientific Reports 11, 16978 (2021).

[26]. “Electron spin resonance of single molecules and their magnetic interaction through ligands”

X. Zhang, C. Wolf, Y. Wang, H. Aubin, P. Willke, A.J. Heinrich*, and T. Choi*,

Nature Chemistry 14, 59 (2022).

[25]. “Engineering local magnetic fields by Dy single atom magnets”

A. Singha, P. Willke, T. Bilgeri, X. Zhang, H. Brune, F. Donati, A.J. Heinrich*, and T. Choi*,

Nature Communication 12, 4179 (2021).

[24]. “Probing magnetism in artificial metal-organic complexes using electron spin relaxometry”

X. Zhang, P. Willke, A. Singha, C. Wolf, T. Esat, M. Choi, A.J. Heinrich, T. Choi*,

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 5618 (2020)

[23] “Coherent spin manipulation of individual atoms on a surface”

K. Yang, W. Paul, S-H. Phark, P. Willke, Y. Bae, T. Choi, T. Esat, A. Ardavan, A.J. Heinrich, and C.P. Lutz,

Science 366, 509 (2019)

[22]. “Tuning Single-Atom Electron Spin Resonance in a Vector-Magnetic Field”

P. Willke, A. Singha, X. Zhang, T. Esat, C.P. Lutz, A.J. Heinrich*, T. Choi*,

Nano Letters 19, 8201 (2019). 

[21]. “Tuning the exchange bias on a single atom from 1 mT to 10 T”

K. Yang, W. Paul, F.D. Natterer, J.L. Lado, Y. Bae, P. Willke, T. Choi, A. Ferron, J. Fernández-Rossier, A.J. Heinrich, and C.P. Lutz

Physical Review Letters 122, 227203 (2019).

[20]. “Studies of single atom magnets via scanning tunneling microscopy”

T. Choi, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 481, 150 (2019).

[19]. “Enhanced quantum coherence in exchange coupled spins via singlet-triplet transitions”

Y. Bae, K. Yang, P. Willke, T. Choi, A.J. Heinrich, C.P. Lutz,

Science Advances 4, eaaq4159 (2018).

[18]. “Hyperfine interaction of individual atoms on a surface”

P. Willke, Y. Bae, K. Yang, J.L. Lado, A. Ferron, T. Choi, A. Ardavan, J. Fernández-Rossier, A.J. Heinrich, C.P. Lutz,

Science 362, 336 (2018).

[17]. “Probing quantum coherence in single-atom electron spin resonance”

P. Willke, W. Paul, F.D. Natterer, K. Yang, Y. Bae, T. Choi, J. Fernández-Rossier, A.J. Heinrich, C.P. Lutz,

Science Advances 4, eaaq1543 (2018).

[16]. “Engineering the eigenstates of coupled spin-1/2 atoms on a surface”

K. Yang, Y. Bae, W. Paul, F.D. Natterer, P. Willke, J.L. Lado, A. Ferrón, T. Choi, J. Fernández-Rossier, A.J. Heinrich, C.P. Lutz,

Physical Review Letters 119, 227206 (2017).

[15]. “Studies of magnetic dipolar interaction between individual atoms using ESR-STM”

T. Choi*, C.P. Lutz, and A.J. Heinrich*, 

Current Applied Physics 17, 1513 (2017).

[14]. “Reading and writing single-atom magnets”

F. Natterer, K. Yang, W. Paul, P. Willke, T. Choi, T. Greber, A.J. Heinrich, and C.P. Lutz, 

Nature 543, 226 (2017).

[13]. “Atomic-scale sensing of the magnetic dipolar field from single atoms”

T. Choi, W. Paul, S. Rolf-Pissarczyk, A. Macdonald, F. Natterer, K. Yang, P. Willke, C.P. Lutz, and A.J. Heinrich, 

Nature Nanotechnology 12, 420 (2017).

[12]. “Control of the millisecond spin lifetime of an electrically probed atom”

W. Paul, K. Yang, S. Baumann, N. Romming, T. Choi, C.P. Lutz, and A.J. Heinrich, 

Nature Physics 13, 403 (2017).

[11]. “Electron paramagnetic resonance in individual atoms on surfaces”

S. Baumann, W. Paul, T. Choi, C.P. Lutz, A. Ardavan, and A.J. Heinrich,

Science 350, 417 (2015).

[10]. “Building blocks for studies of nanoscale magnetism: adsorbates on ultrathin insulating Cu2N”

T. Choi and J.A. Gupta,

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 394009 (2014). 

[9]. “Optimal Quantum control on multi-mode coupling between trapped ion qubits for scalable entanglement”

T. Choi*, S. Debnath, T.A. Manning, C. Figgatt, Z.-X. Gong, L.-M. Duan, and C. Monroe,

Physical Review Letters 112, 190502 (2014).

[8]. “Beat note stabilization of mode-locked lasers for quantum information processing”

R. Islam, W.C. Campbell, T. Choi, S.M. Clark, S. Debnath, E.E. Edwards, B. Fields, D. Hayes, D. Hucul, I.V. Inlek, K.G. Johnson, S. Korenblit, A. Lee, K.W. Lee, T.A. Manning, D.N. Matsukevich, J. Mizrahi, Q. Quraishi, C. Senko, J. Smith, and C. Monroe,

Optics Letters 39, 3238 (2014).

[7]. “Magnetism in single molecule/metal complexes formed by atom manipulation”T. Choi, M. Badal, S. Loth, J.-W. Yoo, C.P. Lutz, A.J. Heinrich, A.J. Epstein, D.G. Stroud, and J.A. Gupta,

Nano Letters 14, 1196 (2014).

[6]. “Quantum Networks with Atoms and Photons”

C. Monroe, W.C. Campbell, C. Cao, T. Choi, S.M. Clark, S. Debnath, C. Figgatt, D. Hayes, D. Hucul, V. Inlek, R. Islam, S. Korenblit, K.G. Johnson, T.A. Manning, J. Mizrahi, B. Neyenhuis, A. Lee, P. Richerme, C. Senko, J. Smith, and K. Wright, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 467, 012008 (2013).

[5]. “Emergence of surface states in nanoscale Cu2N islands”

C.D. Ruggiero, M. Badal, T. Choi, D. Gohlke, D.G. Stroud, and J.A. Gupta,

Physical Review B 83, 245430 (2011).

[4]. “A single molecule Kondo switch: Multistability of Tetracyanoethylene on Cu(111)”

T. Choi, S. Bedwani, A. Rochefort, C.Y. Chen, A.J. Epstein, and J.A. Gupta,

Nano letters 10, 4175 (2010).

[3]. “Tunneling spectroscopy of ultrathin insulating Cu2N films, and single Co adatoms”

T. Choi, C.D. Ruggiero, and J.A. Gupta,

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 27, 887 (2009).

[2]. “Incommensurability and atomic structure of c(2×2)N/Cu(100): A scanning tunneling microscopy study”

T. Choi, C.D. Ruggiero, and J.A. Gupta,

Physical Review B 78, 035430 (2008).

[1]. “Tunneling spectroscopy of ultrathin insulating films: CuN on Cu(100)”

C.D. Ruggiero, T. Choi, and J.A. Gupta,

Applied Physics Letters 91, 253106 (2007).


  • American Physical Society, 2008 – Present

  • Korean Physical Society, 2017 – Present


  • Physical Review Letters, Nature Communication, Science Advance, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Scientific Report, Communications Physics – Nature, Surface Science, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Current Applied Physics, ACS nano, ACS nanoscience Au, Nano Letters.

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